Month: November 2018

Black voter turnout between 2012 & 2016

In 2012, Black’s in Iowa showed up to the polls to vote. Obama was running for reelection vs Mitt Romney. Obama was the first Black president, and for the first time in America showed Blacks the way to a better life did not have to be through sports or rap. Iowa is a generally forgotten state, and the people in it are a majority white. As a result those Blacks in Iowa tend to be underrepresented and overlooked in politics. By looking at voter turnout, we can see the groups under-representation in politics. This is important as Black people are treated poorly in America and states such as Iowa do not have large populations of Blacks. We shall take a look at many issues regarding Black voter suppression and trends of voting.


 Felony Disenfranchisement is an issue throughout America including Iowa. In Iowa, if you ever committed a felony you can’t vote unless you seek an individual petition. Blacks are disproportionately convicted of felonies, and as a result the number of Blacks in Iowa with voting rights is below the national average.


68% of Blacks voted in the 2012 election which was a record high in Iowa. Following the 2012 election high Black voter turnout was expected to be commonplace again in 2016. However this was not true as only 52.8% of eligible blacks in Iowa voted.


Iowa has passed legislation to limit the number of early polling places open on Sunday’s. This is a direct attack on the Black vote, as 34.9% of Black voters vote at there church on a Sunday prior to election day. On the other hand only 14.3% of Whites vote at early polling places on Sunday.

The 2016 election was projected to be decided by how Hillary would appeal to minorities. Ellison writes, that while people think Hillary needs to connect with minorities she instead should attempt to connect with Whites as they will be the game changer. The 2016 election results should not be blamed on Blacks as they were predicted to not vote in the election since they saw no similarities to either candidates.


After a decent amount of research I began to realize that while lots of legislation in Iowa was passed to limit Black voting it did not necessarily affect the 2016 election. By looking at data from states that had not introduced voter suppression legislation such as California, the same trend was seen. Blacks simply did not show up to the polls in the record numbers they did in the 2012 election. California had a Black voter turnout of 62% in 2012, but in 2016 only 49% voted in the presidential election. This trend was found to be commonplace across the United States. Obama offered Hope for Blacks in Iowa, and that was the driving force that group needed to get to the polls. Obama proved to America that no matter where you come from you can become successful. In 2016 Blacks saw Trump run on an anti Obama “wave” and Hillary simply was not seen as an extension of Obama’s hope. As a result the real difference maker between the 2012 and 2016 election for Black voters in Iowa was they simply had no connection to either politician.


 “News and Views: Felony Disenfranchisement Removes 1.4 Million Black Men From the Voting Polls.” The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, no. 22, BruCon Publishing Company, p. 61,

Krogstad, Jens Manuel, and Mark Hugo Lopez. “Black Voter Turnout Fell in 2016 US Election.” Pew Research Center, Pew Research Center, 12 May 2017,

Curry, George. “The Plot to Dilute the Black Vote.” Washington Informer, vol. 47, no. 1, Washington Informer, p. 21,37,

 Chavis, Benjamin. “Stand Up for Voting Rights.” Washington Informer, vol. 47, no. 9, Washington Informer, p. 22,38,

 Ellison, Charles. “Black Voter Turnout Is Crucial and Not What It Seems.” Philadelphia Tribune, vol. 15, no. 52, Philadelphia Tribune, p. 4A,


The Villisca Axe Murders

The Villisca Axe Murders of 1912 shall forever be notarized due to the case’s remnant unsolved status, as well as the viciousness of the crime. The Villisca Axe Murders committed in Villisca, Iowa against the Moore Family, Josiah, Sarah, and their children, Herman Montgomery, Mary Katherine, Arthur Boyd, Paul Vernon, and two visiting girls, Ina Mae and Lena Gertrude Stillinger were particularly heinous due to the large number of children killed. What would inspire a person such as myself to look into such a horrible tragedy? Fear, not my own fear, but an inheritance of fear from a father who once feared The Son of Sam. A fear brought on by a boy who grew up with an intense focus on serial killers, to the point that teaching his son, who was recently accepted to a college in rural Iowa, to fear Iowan Serial Killers was necessary. Upon researching Villisca Axe Murders a frightful picture is created not only from the heinous nature of the crime itself, but also due to the Herculean task facing the law in trying to hone in on one of many sickos who may have committed this crime. It is my belief that no one person was charged with this crime due to the number of suspects.

A newspaper documenting the tragedy less than a week after the crime.

Though it is tragic to say at this point ascertaining beyond a reasonable doubt the identity of the killer is nearly impossible. The investigation of the original crime led to the following narrative. The murderer (or possibly murderers) had waited in the attic patiently for the family to go to bed then descended upon the household. They began their terror in the master bedroom where they used the sharp side of the axe for the first and last time on the Moore patriarch Josiah then used the flat end to bludgeon matriarch Sarah. Following the two original murders the murderer went to the children’s room killing all within using the blunt end. The terror continued in the guest room where the Stillinger girls were sleeping. Following their murderous spree they returned to the master bedroom to impart some final blows upon the heads of household. Fortunately, for the victims they all died in their sleep, excluding young Lena Stillinger who based on her location in the bed as well as a defensive wound on her arm may have been awake. Furthering Lena’s tragedy is the fact that she was partially undressed suggesting the murderer may have assaulted her sexually.

Due to the number of suspects with various motives a truly demented criminal was free to kill again.. Among these the prime suspect and most probable perpetrator was a Reverend George Kelly the evidence against him was quite staggering, including a number of confessions he himself made. Earlier in life he had several instances of pedophilic behaviour, and was the reverend for a program the Moore’s and Stillinger girls had attended earlier that day. In spite of his own confession and ability to describe the event in great detail his first trial he faced a hung jury, and was acquitted in his second. Other suspects included a Frank Fernando Jones, an Iowa senator, William “Blackie” Mansfield, who may have been hired by Jones. Mansfield was suspected of having committed many more murders with similar M.O.s suggesting he may have been a serial killer, serial killer or not Mansfield did kill his own family two years later. In a time before forensic investigation methods the best way to find killers was namely through who had means, motive, and opportunity, but given the plethora of candidates meeting those criteria and no forensics to eliminate any of them from the search there was no way to know who did it for sure. One silver lining of this dark spot on history is that it was more important that no innocent man be charged for a crime he didn’t commit than hoping they put the killer behind bars.


Reverend George Kelly

Henry Moore


This crime in itself was quite heinous and vile, but something truly appalling uncovered during this research was the astounding number of suspects who not only could have committed this crime, but also likely committed similar crimes elsewhere and got away with this or similar crimes. Though, for the Moore family and the two Stillinger girls justice still remains unserved, it is likely that the killer did eventually go away for a similar crime.someone who could so calmly commit such brutality likely would kill again, and sooner or later killers always get caught. The hundreds of Iowan cold cases don’t necessarily mean there are hundreds of killers on the street, but rather that for those sorry victims their killer is not serving a sentence that includes punishment for their murder, such as an individual serving 49 life sentences when they confessed to killing 71 people, and thus should be serving 90 life sentences (Green River Killer). When focusing for hours at a time solely on the greater evils humans are capable of I can see why my dad, who grew up facing constant reminders of human evil, would be quick to instill an almost irrational fear of serial killers into me.

Bell, Rachel. “Green River Killer: River of Death”. Crime Library. Archived from the original on May 30, 2014.

Marshalltown and Education

The United States of America has always been a nation of immigrants, but as times change, so do the opinions of the public. In current times, the issue of immigration has been at the forefront of public discourse and within many political institutions, national to local. A perceived clash of cultures creates problems across the country from individual instances of racism to systematic issues in institutions like schools. Immigration is a hot button topic that often polarizes people, especially between political parties, but immigration itself is not inherently an issue. In fact, immigration is arguably essential the entirety of the United States, and undeniably helpful to many rural communities across the country. Marshalltown, Iowa is a prime example of this phenomenon of immigration benefiting the community.

MA screenshot of a google map image of Marshalltown. arshalltown, which used to be overwhelming white, cliche Iowan town, now defies assumptions and has a significant population of Latinx immigrants. The Swift Meat Packing Plant in Marshalltown, the world’s third largest pork plant, slaughtering and processing as many as 16,000 hogs in a day (or 3.6 million a year), with its large number of available jobs and the inherent danger of working in the meat packing plant, draws a large force of immigrant workers to Marshalltown, especially Latinos (Grey and Woodrick 2002). This influx of immigrants has drastically changes racial, ethnic, and language makeup of the town in the past decades, and admittedly created some tensions and issues within the community. However, work through the community, especially inclusion and bilingual schooling, has helped mitigate these overall tensions and benefits all students.

To understand the situation of schooling in Marshalltown, one must be familiar with the history of the town and how the demographics have changed. In 1990, Marshalltown total population was just .9% Latino as compared to 2000, where the percentage rose to 12.6% in just ten years (Grey and Woodrick 2002). Since then, the percentage of the population continues to rise, even though the total population has not changed significantly; as of 2017, Latinos now makeup 27.6% of the population, with 28.9% of the population speaking a language other than English at home, and over 5,000 of 27,280 residents identifying as foreign born (U.S. Census Bureau 2017). These numbers likely underrepresented the latino and migrant populations because of undocumented immigrants’ reluctance to answer census surveys. The town experienced some ill effects from this huge demographic change, but these effects were not necessarily the fault of immigrants, as the image many anti-immigrant proponents in the government paint. In fact, the town’s economy benefited greatly from this. There is a common narrative in politics that immigrants are “stealing jobs from hard working Americans”, but Marshalltown meatpacking plant clearly invalidates this argument. Jobs at the meat packing plant were not being filled quickly at first because Americans in the town, mostly white, did not want to work there. The unpleasant nature of the work combined with the stigma of working at a meat packing plant would be enough to discourage them, but even worse, meat packing plants have the highest injury rate of any US industry due to the use of knives, dangerous machines, slippery floors, and repetitive work (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2001).

A photo of the outside of a wall with the words "Marshalltown Pork Plant" and "JBS"

Photo of Marshalltown Pork Plant.

Latino immigrants filled these jobs, helping the community right off the bat. Additionally, the value of the immigrant workers was made stark when looking at the ill effects ICE raids in the town had. Unfortunately, the presence of the meat packing plant and the significant latino population made (and makes) Marshalltown a target for ICE raids, and there have been two devastating raids in the past decades. The first was in 1996, before ICE was conceived and the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Services) was the prevailing agency for immigration responsibilities, and the second was in 2006 when six Swift plants across the country were hit on the same day, with almost 1,300 undocumented immigrants were detained nationwide (Grey and Woodrick 2002). Both of these raids were devastating emotionally and mentally for the communities, but also economically. After the 2006 raid, the Swift company lost $500,000 in production, and $50 million nationwide, in part because of the raid itself and the arrest of many of the workers as undocumented immigrants, but also because the raids scared away many other Latino immigrants who were not arrested. Unrelated individuals as well as extended families of those arrested in the raids left because they felt it “was not a welcoming community” (Vasilogambros 2016). Not only did the Swift Company itself, the biggest employer in Marshalltown, suffer, the rest of the community was affected. Patronage to local stores and restaurants in the aftermath of the raid dropped, Latino homes in the town lost a third of their value, and statewide retail sales declined 3.2% in the quarter following the raid (Vasilogambros 2016). The economic damages of losing these immigrants, documented and undocumented, can demonstrate the positives that immigrants brought to the community when they came.

The appeal of beneficial economic advancements that immigrants can bring is applicable to the general public in the United States since many individuals are driven by more selfish reasons like money, but the immigrants coming to Marshalltown also have more value for their humanity. The immigrants coming to the United States, specifically Marshalltown, often benefit from coming to the United States because they are escaping things like unemployment, underemployment, lack of educational opportunities, landlessness, and lack of political power in their hometowns or home countries and coming to a place with more jobs, higher incomes, better education, and better healthcare  (Grey and Woodrick 2002). The already established members of the Marshalltown community can benefit from the presence of migrants too through further diversity and learning from those who are different than them, especially children who have not been fully socialized and exposed to the world yet. The symbiotic relationship between immigrants and Marshalltown benefits both sides.

To ensure this relationship remains more beneficial than anything else, the schools in Marshalltown, and towns like it, must work to accommodate all students. Marshalltown is a prime example of how integration, inclusion, and bilingualism in the school system can benefit all students, not just those who are being integrated. Students of workers in the meatpacking plants, just like students of immigrants across the country, can have extra challenges in the school system because of language challenges, as well as high turnover rates where schools with the most meatpacking children in Marshalltown have the highest percentage of students who are not enrolled the entire year (Grey and Woodrick 2002). To aid students who may not speak English at home or have entered the school system without sufficient language preparation, Marshalltown school district has a Dual Language Enrichment Program. On the district website, it outlines the specific schools programs and bilingual practices, emphasizing that “by the time the bilingual program students enter Marshalltown High school, students have both English and Spanish literacy skills” and are “free to pursue mastery of a third language”. Additionally, bilingual program students may earn Spanish college credits through the Marshalltown Community School. The district intends for students in the bilingual program to receive the same quality education as other students, and also equip learners to achieve grade-level academic standards, bilingualism, biliteracy, and multicultural competence.

Blue and red bar graphs that reflect the statistics in this paragraph.

A graph comparing graduation rates of the national average to the Marshalltown district results, looking at overall, hispanic, and white populations.

Though the district does not provide graduation statistics for those in and outside of the bilingual program, overall graduation statistics for the district score better than United States’ averages. The Marshalltown District has an overall graduation rate of 88.07%, compared to the national average of 84%. Racially, Hispanics in MArshalltown have a 84.38% graduation rate above the 79% national average, and White students in MArshalltown have a 93.28% graduation rate above the national average of 88% according the the Iowa Department of Education. With just this information, causation cannot be assumed, but, the potential correlation, combined with a number of studies that acknowledge a slew of benefits of bilingual education, suggests that inclusion and integration of students and their language needs is beneficial to all students within districts.

Schooling and social change are so closely linked, it is often indeterminable which affects the other more. Still, the value of education is undeniable, and positive actions in the education system that make education more accessible to more varieties of students should be more common place. The schooling in Marshalltown likely contributed to the mitigation of some of the tension between parents, because students were integrated and taught to value each other at a young age. Racial and ethnic tensions, especially regarding new immigration, are often unavoidable, as immigration itself is commonplace, but Marshalltown represents a model for surviving this. Though Marshalltown is not perfect, it demonstrates the positive aspects immigrants can bring to communities through economics and social avenues, and its school system serves as an illustration for how schools can become more incluse through bilingual programs.

Marshalltown is no anomaly. Towns across the United States are experiencing similar phenomena where meatpacking plants, or similar industries like poultry plants and the carpet industry, draw large groups of immigrants or refugees (Grey and Woodrick 2002). To preserve the wellbeing of all individuals as this happens across the United States, we must be aware of how our actions threaten or support the identities of others. Existing in white America is a challenge for all individuals who are not part of dominant cultures, and our actions as individuals must seek to support everyone. Improving our education system to be more inclusive is just one way to do this, but understanding the value and importance of individuals, immigrants and natives alike, is crucial.


Works Cited

Grey, Mark A., and Anne C. Woodrick. “Unofficial Sister Cities: Meatpacking Labor Migration Between Villachuato, Mexico, and Marshalltown, Iowa.” Human Organization, vol. 61, no. 4, 2002, pp. 364–376. JSTOR, JSTOR,

Inskeep, Steve. “Iowa Town Feels Effects of Immigration Raids.” NPR, NPR, 3 Dec. 2007,

“Iowa Public High School, Class of 2017, 4 Year Graduation Data by District and Subgroup.” National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Home Page, a Part of the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 10 Apr. 2018,

“Marshalltown Community School District.” District Mission and Vision | Marshalltown,

Mayer, Amy. “What a Slaughterhouse Looks Like.” Iowa Public Radio, 30 June 2016,

“Public High School Graduation Rates.” National Center for Education Statistics, 2018,

“U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Marshalltown City, Iowa.” Census Bureau QuickFacts, 2017,

Vasilogambros, Matt. “ICE Raids Reopen Old Wounds for Families in This Small Town.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 1 Feb. 2016,


Test Post Map Location

Belonging Class Map

loading map - please wait...

Marshalltown: 42.044200, -92.912400
Grinnell: 41.743000, -92.722500
Buxton: the black utopia: 41.158300, -92.821300
Meskwaki Settlement: 41.987700, -92.653100
Governor Robert Ray: 41.585800, -93.629900
Villisca: 40.929700, -94.976100
Black Voting: 41.591100, -93.603700
Posse and Grinnell College: 41.743000, -92.722500
Desegregation of Schools in Iowa: 41.424500, -91.043200
Farm Crisis and Minority Migration: 42.044200, -92.912400
Immigration in Rural Iowa: 42.044200, -92.912400
A Living Textbook: 41.975900, -91.670400
marker icon
Marshalltown and Education
Marshalltown Iowa, United States of America
marker icon
John Brown
Grinnell Iowa, United States of America
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Buxton: the black utopia
Buxton, the black utopia, or was it truly a welcoming city
Buxton Iowa, United States of America
marker icon
Meskwaki Settlement
Meskwaki Settlement
Meskwaki Indian Settlement Iowa, United States of America
marker icon
Governor Robert Ray
Governor Robert Ray
100 Locust Street Iowa, United States of America
marker icon
Villisca Axe Murders
Villisca Iowa, United States of America
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Black Voting
Black Voter Turnout Between 2012 and 2016
Des Moines Iowa, United States of America
marker icon
Posse and Grinnell College
Posse and Grinnell College
Grinnell Iowa, United States of America
marker icon
Desegregation of Schools in Iowa
Muscatine Iowa, United States of America
marker icon
Farm Crisis and Minority Migration
The Farm Crisis and Minority Migration to Central Iowa
Marshalltown Iowa, United States of America
The table above is listing 10 out of 12 markers (sorted by ID ascending)

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